Contemporaries Salon: Behind the Process of Laura Owens

Thurs, Feb 1, 2018
7–9 pm

Tuft Trustee Room; Neil Bluhm Family Galleries

Contemporaries and Contemporaries Patrons

Contemporaries are invited to a special opportunity to uncover the many intricate details and unique exhibition layout of Laura Owens

Curatorial assistant Jessica Man will share an inside look at the mid-career retrospective of Los Angeles-based painter Laura Owens (b. 1970), one of the most influential artists of her generation. Owens’s approach has pushed the standards of painterly traditions to instead embrace goofy personal allusions and material exploration.

Contemporaries and Contemporaries Patron members are invited to this event. The invitation is for two individuals per membership household. To RSVP, email with your name and membership ID.

To join or upgrade, call (212) 570-7746.

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