Contemporaries Salon: 2019 Biennial Artist Josh Kline

Wed, Sept 18, 2019
7–9 pm

Floor 8, Tom and Diane Tuft Trustee Room

Open to Contemporaries and Contemporaries Patrons

Contemporaries members are invited to a special salon with 2019 Whitney Biennial artist Josh Kline and curatorial project assistant Ramsay Kolber. They will discuss Kline's recent Biennial works, which explore the conditions of technology, politics, and labor in our contemporary moment. His works on view position photographs of sites evoking America's power behind tinted glass. LED-lit frames surround the pieces and tinge the work with the hues of pharmaceutical bottles. In spite of his work’s dystopian implications, Kline insists that “the future hasn’t happened yet. It can be shaped in the present.”

Contemporaries and Contemporaries Patron members are invited to this event. The invitation is for two individuals per membership household. To join or upgrade, call (212) 570-7746.

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