After-Hours Tour of Robert Indiana: Beyond LOVE

Tues, Nov 12, 2013
7–9 pm

Patrons and Whitney Contemporaries

Join us for an after-hours tour of Robert Indiana: Beyond LOVE, led by Curatorial Assistant Sarah Humphreville. 

Robert Indiana first emerged on the wave of Pop Art that engulfed the art world in the early 1960s. Bold and visually dazzling, his work embraced the vocabulary of highway signs and roadside entertainments that were commonplace in post war America. The appearance in 1966 of what became his signature image, LOVE, eclipsed the public's understanding of the emotional poignancy and symbolic complexity of his art. This retrospective will reveal an artist whose work, far from being unabashedly optimistic and affirmative, addresses the most fundamental issues facing humanity—love, death, sin, and forgiveness. 

Patron members and Whitney Contemporaries are invited to select one of two tour options:

Option 1: Tuesday, November 12, 7:00 pm reception, 7:30 tour
Option 2: Wednesday, November 20, 7:00 pm reception, 7:30 tour

Open to Patron members and Whitney Contemporaries. Become a member, or upgrade your membership by calling (212) 570-3641.

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