Woman with a Movie Camera: Alice Guy Blaché Symposium

Sat, Nov 14, 2009
9:30 am–5 pm

Iris & B. Gerald Cantor Film Center
New York University, 36 East 8th Street, New York

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Trailblazer, inventor, and innovator, Alice Guy Blaché (1873–1968) was cinema’s first female director and first female film studio owner. Her legacy extends to groundbreaking filmmaking techniques, novel approaches to narrative, and original directorial style. This symposium explores her imaginative and pioneering approach to film alongside present-day innovations in the spirit of her work.

10am Alice Guy Blaché as Film Pioneer
with Alison McMahan (Homunculus Productions, LLC), Richard Koszarski (Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey), and moderated by Antonia Lant (New York University)

1pm Women in the Archives: On Film Preservation 
with Terry Lawler (New York Women in Film and Television), Drake Stutesman (Women's Film Preservation Fund), and moderated by Joan Simon (Whitney Museum of American Art)

2:30pm Emerging Media: Now and Then 
with Rick Altman (University of Iowa), Virginia Heffernan (The New York Times), and moderated by Christiane Paul (The New School and the Whitney Museum of American Art) 

$8 for general admission
$6 for students and senior citizens
FREE for Whitney Museum members and New York University students, faculty, and staff

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