Marclay Festivities and More Resumes!
Jul 7, 2010

We started our day in the galleries with Christian Marclay’s Festival, which is on view through mid-September. We watched Screen Play, 2005, a series of black and white video clips that are overlaid with colorful dots and lines. We were able to view the entire video, which was accompanied by the music of sound artist Marina Rosenfeld. We got a chance to talk to Marina about the music she creates, how she got to where she is today, and how she executes her projects, including the one that is currently being performed at the Whitney!

Another work in the exhibition is Chalkboard, 2010, a score sheet the size of an entire wall that anyone is able to write on with chalk. Of course we had to write on it! There were musical notes, sketches of faces, inspiring quotes, funny anecdotes, and doodles.

Then we headed back to the offices and continued work on our resumes—editing, proofreading, and trying to make ourselves sound as appealing as possible to potential employers. Working on these has really brought all of us into the professional world by stressing the importance of a quality resumé.

By Kate