Unfolding Adventures

This painting has a secret story behind it. The picture that you see here is just one of five parts that make up the whole artwork. Laura Owens hid the other four parts behind the canvas! If you could look at the back, you would find three more paintings and a little book, all related to the image that you see in front of you. Look closely at this work. What can you find that is fun? What can you see that might be scary?

Make an artwork with adventures that unfold! Ask a grownup to help. Find four or five pieces of paper. Cut out a shape on each page. The shapes could be different or the same, but make sure they are in different places on each page. Use a stapler, binder clips, or tape to attach your sheets of paper together along one edge. 

Next, choose a favorite character from a book, cartoon, or television show. Think of some adventures that your character might experience. Start drawing a scene on the first page. Reveal a clue about the next moment (on the next page) through the shaped opening in the paper! Continue until your artwork is complete.

See all Whitney Kids Art Challenges.