Youth Insights Leaders Meet Steve McQueen
Jun 16, 2016

Youth Insights Leaders met with artist and filmmaker Steve McQueen for a discussion on May 3. McQueen’s films include Hunger, Shame, and 12 Years a Slave, which won the Academy Award for Best Picture in 2014. His film installation and sculpture were on view from April 29-May 14 in the exhibition Open Plan: Steve McQueen.

Instead of answering questions about himself and his work, McQueen persuaded the teens to ask him questions about themselves. Topics ranged from their interest in art to what they hoped to do in the future. 

McQueen said that “Failure is your best friend. Seriously—work at what you’re doing—whether it is singing, painting, performing. It is important to see your limits and see your boundaries.” He encouraged them to be curious, emphasizing that “The most important thing is to experiment and not be afraid to make mistakes. . .To question everything, to read the newspapers, to get interested in what is going on outside your four walls.”

Dyeemah Simmons, assistant to Teen Programs, remarked that the teens were intrigued and surprised that McQueen was more interested in giving them advice about their own artistic path rather than speaking about his own work. “He emphasized not following the rules, creating their own path, and doing what makes them happy. I think this is what stuck with the teens the most.” 

Learn more about Teen Programs here.

Dina Helal, Manager of Education Resources