Human Interest Teen Night
Jun 28, 2016

In tandem with Human Interest: Portraits from the Whitney’s Collection and other exhibitions on view, Youth Insights (YI) Leaders hosted a teen night of performances, art making, gallery experiences, artist-led activities, and dancing on May 14.

Teens joined artist Elizabeth Jaeger, whose work is on view in Mirror Cellsto experiment with sculpture and invented worlds.

They created stand-up silhouettes which related to the thin, hollow forms of Jaeger’s black ceramic vases in the exhibition.

Inspired by Andy Warhol’s work, Ethel Scull 36 Times, 1963, teens posed for pictures in a photo booth.

They created Snapchat selfies and portraits inspired by hundreds of works on view in the Human Interest exhibition. Check out some of their images:

Using body markers and temporary tattoos of the outline of the Whitney’s fifth floor gallery, teens created their own versions of the recent Open Plan exhibition.

Rapper and music artist Junglepussy performed in the Susan and John Hess Family Theater, followed by a raffle and dancing.

Dyeemah Simmons, Assistant to Teen Programs commented: “It was exciting to see teens engaged in all aspects of the event, and they really enjoyed Junglepussy’s amazing performance. I saw many new faces, but I also recognized some teens from past events. That was really cool.”

Sasha Wortzel, Coordinator of Teen Programs remarked: “It was a really wonderful culmination of the year’s events. Teens from our community partner organizations attended, and we are starting to see a sense of a growing community around our drop-in programs.”

Learn more about Teen Programs here.

Dina Helal, Manager of Education Resources