
The Whitney's Senior Studio Art Programs offer an accessible, collaborative environment in which seniors share in a hands-on process of creative expression. We currently offer three types of Studio Art Courses, from single 90-minute workshops to 6-week courses.

Participation in these programs is limited to our community partners.

Artmaking Programs

Seniors explore their own personal histories through artmaking and discussion about American art in the twentieth- and twenty-first centuries. Lectures and artmaking at the senior centers can be integrated with a Museum visit to provide a framework for the project. Following the completion of each 6-week course, participating seniors are invited to the Whitney for a celebration at which completed works are displayed and seniors can discuss their experiences.

6-week courses are scheduled twice annually, in the fall and spring.

Request a 6-week course

Devoted to focused engagement with the Whitney’s current exhibitions, this program includes an introductory slide talk and discussion at the senior center, a tour at the Museum, and two hands-on artmaking sessions at the centers, where seniors complete projects with an eye toward the materials, techniques, and themes of a given exhibition. Similar to the 6-week course, each program concludes with a celebration at the Museum.

4-week courses are scheduled twice annually, in the fall and spring.

Request a 4-week course

Seniors participate in slide-based looking, discussion, and an original artmaking project at their centers. Workshop themes include photography, printmaking, and abstract art.

Our 90-minute workshops are scheduled on a rolling basis throughout the year. Workshops can be designed for particular works or exhibitions on view, and customized for our community partners.

Request a 90-minute workshop