Participating Senior Partners

We partner with community-based senior organizations to create customized programs that challenge seniors to actively engage with the Whitney’s collection and exhibitions, share ideas, and relate what they learn to their own lives and experiences. 

Greenwich House
Partner Since 1996

Greenwich House Senior Center has partnered with the Whitney to offer customized programs that challenge seniors to actively engage with the Whitney’s collection and exhibitions, share ideas, and relate what they learn to their own lives and experiences.  These programs have included free 6-week collage courses, art-making workshops, and museum visits.

Hudson Guild Fulton Center
Partner Since 1996

Hudson Guild Fulton Center’s seniors enjoy interactive slide-based lectures and sustained studio art courses that offer inroads to the diversity and richness of the Whitney’s collections and exhibitions.

Hamilton Madison House

Located in Chinatown/Lower East Side Two Bridges neighborhoods, Hamilton-Madison House delivers critical, timely and culturally appropriate services for all stages of life. Seniors regularly attend the Whitney’s Open Access days and have participated in artmaking workshops at their center.

Penn South Program for Seniors
Partner Since 2007

Penn South Program for Seniors, founded in 1986, is the first program of its type in the US. Located at the Penn South co-op in Manhattan’s Chelsea neighborhood, it is a naturally occurring retirement community (NORC).  The Whitney has worked with Penn South since 2007 to offer a diverse range of art-making workshops, slide talks, and courses to resident seniors. 

Henry Street Settlement Senior Center

Henry Street Settlement offers a variety of arts, social services, and healthcare programs designed to promote the independence and wellbeing among the growing population of culturally diverse seniors on the Lower East Side. The Whitney partners with Henry Street to provide guided tours and artmaking programs.

Sage Center
Partner Since 2012

Serving hundreds of LGBT older adults throughout New York City, the SAGECenter and the Whitney have been community partners since its founding in 2012. The Whitney is pleased to extend its comprehensive range of free multi-session art-making programs for LGBT elders.