Thursday, May 8, 2014

8 pm: VIP Auction Preview
9 pm–1 am: All Guests

Highline Stages
440 West 15th Street
New York, NY 10011

Hannah Bronfman
Brendan Fallis

Maria Giulia Maramotti
Zoe Saldana

Official Sponsor


All ticket sales have ended. Tickets will be available for purchase at the event for $500 and $450 (for Whitney Contemporaries members).

Tickets are nonrefundable and tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Powered By

April 24–May 8, 11:59 pm

More information:
(212) 671-1818

The Art Party
Benefit Committee

Julia and Paul Arnhold
Nasiba Adilova
Michael Avedon
Giovanna Battaglia
Lake Bell and
     Scott Campbell
Fabiola Beracasa
Melanie Berliet
Andrew Bevan
Peter Brant II
Laura Brown
Sarah Cristobal
Laura de Gunzburg
Max Falkenstein
Kate Foley
Audrey Gelman
Eugenia Gonzalez
Lauren Grafer
Bryan Grey Yambao
Zani Gugelmann
Mark Guiducci
Michelle Harper
Elsa Hosk
Heather Hubbs
Alejandro Ingelmo
Natalie Joos 
Colby Jordan
Peter Kahng
Jane Keltner de Valle
Kate Lanphear 
Leigh Lezark
Chloe Malle
Karla Martinez de Salas
Ambra Medda
Leandra Medine
Lola Montes
Michael Moskowitz
Casey Neistat
Geordon Nicol
Dalia Oberlander
Jon Oringer  
Keith Pollock 
Lauren Remington Platt
Anastasia Rogers
James Salomon
Olympia Scarry
Greer Tessler
Harley Viera Newton
Jed Weisman

Special Thanks to the Auction Committee

Whitney Contemporaries

Adam Abdalla
Jessica Gersh
Patrick McGregor
Maureen Nash

Trustee Liaison
Joanne Leonhardt Cassullo

Executive Committee
Mark Amadei
Lauren Shadford 
Sarah Brown
Michael Carl
Kipton Cronkite
Kyle DeWoody
Kristen Dodge
Adam Fields
Kate Krone
Mike Latham
Suzanna Lee
Jessica Levine
Meredith Melling
Christine Messineo
Jon Neidich
Roopal Patel
Meg Sharpe
Joe Sheftel

Auction Artists

Daniel Arsham
assume vivid astro focus
Christopher Beckman
Leah Beeferman
Katherine Bernhardt
Juan Betancurth
Judith Braun 
Kadar Brock
Maurice Carlin
Alex Asher Daniel
Robert Davis
E.V. Day
Catherine Delphia
Jade Doskow
Nick Doyle
Mark Fox
Ted Gahl
John Gordon Gauld
Jeff Grant
Ryan Humphrey
Gary Komarin
Curtis Kulig
Barney Kulok
Shay Kun
Matthew Larkin
Liz Magic Laser
Pryce Lee
Lee Maida
Benjamin Martins
Victor Matthews
Alex McQuilkin
Ricky Powell
Garrett Pruter
Nathaniel Mary Quinn
Ry Rocklen
Holton Rower
Cordy Ryman
Matthew Satz
Hunt Slonem
Robert Szot
Austin Thomas
Ramon Vega
Laura Sharp Wilson
Mike Yaniro
Dustin Yellin
Joe Zorrilla

Special Thanks

Bentley Meeker Lighting & Staging, Inc.
Highline Stages
Nadine Johnson
Ron Wendt Design
Union Square Events

Bubbles by

On the Hour

A 30-second online art project:
Maya Man, A Realistic Day In My Life Living In New York City

Learn more about this project

Learn more at

On the Hour projects can contain motion and sound. To respect your accessibility settings autoplay is disabled.