Artists Making Photographs: Chamberlain, Rauschenberg, Ruscha, Samaras, Warhol
Jan 16–May 17, 2009
Writing about the ascension of photography as a legitimate art medium, Andy Grundberg offered three simplified narratives: "the history of photographers making art, the history of artists making photographs and the history of hybridity in contemporary art." This Gilman Gallery installation focuses on the category of artists making photographs and features works from the Whitney’s collection made between the 1930s and the 1960s. Andy Warhol, Robert Rauschenberg, and Ed Ruscha are three of the artists whose photographs are displayed alongside examples of their work in other mediums.
This exhibition is organized by Elisabeth Sussman, Sondra Gilman Curator of Photography.
Related exhibitions:
Signs of the Time
Photoconceptualism, 1966–1973
Significant support for the Whitney's photography exhibitions is provided by The Robert Mapplethorpe Foundation, Inc.