Whitney Mobile Guide

Enrich your visit—listen to interviews with artists, curators, and other thinkers. There's something for everyone: kids tours for six- to ten-year-olds; accessible content, including image descriptions, videos in American Sign Language (ASL), audio transcripts, and sound descriptions; and select exhibition tours translated into Spanish.

Stream for free

Use the Mobile Guide for free online—just stream it to your own phone. Use the Whitney's free public WiFi for the best experience. Earphones and portable chargers are available for purchase in the Whitney Shop.

En Español

Para exposiciones selectas, nos complace ofrecer la guía móvil en español. Escuche entrevistas con artistas, curadores y otros pensadores. Utilice la guía móvil de manera gratuita en línea: basta con reproducir los audios en su teléfono.