Derek Fordjour: Half Mast
Sep 24, 2018–

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Half Mast, a new work by Derek Fordjour, will be the eighth work in the ongoing series of public art installations on the façade of 95 Horatio Street, located directly across from the Whitney Museum of American Art and the High Line. The exhibition marks the artist’s first museum solo exhibition.

Half Mast considers the recent national conversation around gun violence, speaking in particular to the surge of school shootings and to the everyday atrocities impacting Black and Brown communities in the United States. The piece offers a portrait of this complex moment in U.S. history by presenting many figures that are part of this conversation in one compressed, shared space. The crowd includes law enforcement officials and civilians, including students, as well as absent figures, bodies marked with targets, and teddy bears and balloons reminiscent of street side memorials.

Derek Fordjour: Half Mast is organized by Allie Tepper, curatorial project assistant


Please contact the Whitney Press Office with questions or further image requests:
(212) 570-3633

On the Hour

A 30-second online art project:
Maya Man, A Realistic Day In My Life Living In New York City

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