Guadalupe Rosales, Fire in the sky

Mar 10, 2022


Guadalupe Rosales, Fire in the sky


Guadalupe Rosales: My name is Guadalupe Rosales.

Los Angeles became a dark place for me towards the late nineties, early 2000s, and I left. I moved back to L.A. and the first thing I did was go back to these siteswhere I was raised. Sites that were considered safe spaces for me. And the energy was still there, at night especially. 

The times when I hung out with my friends and my lovers, being a teenager, being out on the streets, we were confronted by violence and the police, but there's also this essence of home with that. And that is what I'm capturing, ghostly remnants or markings. 

For me, I have a different relationship to these sites, but there are multiple stories similar to mine. And in some ways that's what I'm trying, or I guess I'm capturing with these photographs. They could be very specific to a location, but I'm also really interested in what is being activated for other people.

I’ve shared other photos that I've taken in the past of other locations and I'm surprised by how people respond and just this familiarity in them, even though they don't know exactly where these photos are from.