Whitney Biennial 2022: Quiet as It’s Kept | Trailer

Jan 25, 2022

Whitney Biennial 2022 co-curators David Breslin and Adrienne Edwards give a taste of what’s to come in the eightieth edition of the longest-running survey of American art. Whitney Biennial 2022: Quiet as It’s Kept opens April 6. Members see if first, starting March 31. See the full artist list and learn more.

Whitney Biennial 2022: Quiet as It’s Kept (April 6–September 5, 2022) is co-organized by David Breslin, DeMartini Family Curator and Director of Curatorial Initiatives, and Adrienne Edwards, Engell Speyer Family Curator and Director of Curatorial Affairs, with Gabriel Almeida Baroja, Curatorial Project Assistant, and Margaret Kross, former Senior Curatorial Assistant.