Adger Cowans, Djuka Woman and Child (Balance), 1969

Nov 19, 2020


Adger Cowans, Djuka Woman and Child (Balance), 1969


Adger Cowans: Suriname was called Dutch Vienna at that time. They had just won their independence. So, it was a great time to be there. 

Narrator: Adger Cowans took this photograph deep in the Suriname jungle in 1969. 

Adger Cowans: When I got to Suriname, I walked around in that village for a week without a camera. I didn’t even have my camera. And then the next week I put my camera on my shoulder and I’d walk around and people would ask me, oh what is that what is that. Blah blah blah, we’d get into conversations. 

When I first got there they looked at me like, he’s a strange-looking guy, you know. I got you know got you know jodphur boots on and Levi pants and blue shirt and shades and an Afro [laughs]. And the camera. Like what? But then after a while, you working, and they begin to trust me.