Agustina Woodgate
May 13, 2019
Agustina Woodgate
Agustina Woodgate: My name is Agustina Woodgate. National Times is an installation composed of forty analog slave clocks, operated and synchronized by a digital master clock that has unidirectional control over the slave network.
I purchased these objects because of the way they are named. I was shocked to find out that this terminology is being used so freely in the technology industry.
This kind of clock system is the one that we typically see in prisons, in government offices, in schools, in factories. And in fact, our cell phones are digital slaves to the master clock in Washington, DC.
I had modified every single minute hand on each slave by adding a block of sandpaper right underneath. As National Times progresses, the minute hand of the slave clocks will scrape away the numerals on their faces.
The relationships these objects have with each other very much represent our contemporary power structures. This installation is a display of reality, nothing is made up. This is just how things work.
In 2019 Biennial.