Philip Guston, Cabal, 1977

Apr 30, 2015


Philip Guston, Cabal, 1977


Narrator: Artist Carroll Dunham talks about Philip Guston’s painting titled Cabal.

Carroll Dunham: It seems pretty grim. You know? Piles of heads in a very desolate setting. The fact that there's so much white used to delineate the shapes seems like it reinforces this idea of nocturnal atmosphere, and ghostliness. I really think that all his paintings, even the ones that appear to deal with the most particular subjects, are all about evoking a kind of mood space. You know, a psychological and emotional weather, that is carried by the methodology, as much as it is by the images.

Narrator: To hear Dunham talk about public reaction to Guston’s work and his influence on other artists, please tap the button to continue.