Donelle Woolford

Born 1977 in Conyers, GA
Lives and Works in New York, NY

Woolford’s performance Dick's Last Stand explores the central role given to the male sexual organ in both American art and politics, perpetuating the tradition of phallic humor in popular culture. It is a reenactment of Richard Pryor’s stand-up routine from the last episode of his short-lived 1977 television show, in which he continually played with the notion that Richard Pryor, comedian, was someone who could not be pinned down or controlled. Dick’s Last Stand honors Pryor’s brash political humor and marks its return to the live stage, with Woolford playing Pryor playing Pryor playing Mudbone—across generations and in drag!

On View
Fourth Floor and Off-Site

Donelle Woolford’s work is on view in the Museum’s fourth floor galleries. Performances of Dick's Last Stand take place off-site, in locations across the country. View the listings below for additional information. 

Dick's Last Stand
Tour Dates, 2014 

Jan 31: LA Art Book Fair, Los Angeles, California
Feb 2: La><art, Los Angeles, California
Feb 6: Wattis Institute, San Francisco, California
Feb 8: Solespace, Oakland, California
Feb 14: MOCAD, Detroit, Michigan
Feb 18: Dorchester Projects, Chicago, Illinois
March 7: JACK, Brooklyn, New York
April 1: The Kitchen, New York, New York
May 20: Midway Contemporary Art, Minneapolis, Minnesota
May 21: Duffy's Tavern, Lincoln, Nebraska
May 22: White Flag Projects, St. Louis, Missouri