the land wants you Fri, May 3, 2024, 7 pm

the land wants you

Fri, May 3, 2024
7 pm

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The Susan and John Hess Family Theater is equipped with an induction loop and infrared assistive listening system. Accessible seating is available.

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Floor 3, Theater

As part of Whitney Biennial 2024: Even Better Than the Real Thing, this film program organized by guest curator asinnajaq opens up dialogues between Indigenous artists based in the United States and Indigenous communities beyond its borders, by bringing together works by Samí, Mongolian, Mapuche, Inuk, and Native American artists that are grounded in place, land stewardship, kinship, care, and belonging. 

This program features works by Siku Allooloo, Seba Calfuqueo, Kite, Jenni Laiti, Niillasaš-Jovnna Máreha Juhani Sunná Máret – Sunna Nousuniemi, Sydney Frances Pascal, Lada Suomenrinne, Alisi Telengut, and Zulaa Urchuud. The screening will be followed by a conversation among asinnajaq; Biennial artists Kite, Lada Suomenrinne, and Sydney Frances Pascal; and Samí photographer and director Carl-Johan Utsi. Conversation guests are subject to change.

Programming Schedule

Alisi Telengut (she/her; born 1989 in Inner Mongolia [Telengut and Mongolian nations]; lives and works in Berlin, Germany, and and Tiohtià:ke/Montreal, Canada)
Baigal Nuur–Lake Baikal, 2023. HD video, color, sound; 8:55 min.

Kite (she/her; born 1990 in Sylmar, CA; lives and works in Ancram, NY)
Pahá kiŋ lená wakháŋ (These hills are sacred), 2017. Video, sound, color; 8:32 min.
This film is also available to stream from home on MUBI.

Zulaa Urchuud (she/her; born 1991 in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia; lives and works in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia)
Nuudelch Khand’laga’ (Nomadtitude), 2021. Video, black and white, sound; 6 min.

Seba Calfuqueo (she/her/they/them; born 1991 in Santiago, Chile; lives and works in Ngulumapu, Wallmapu [Chile])
TRAY TRAY KO, 2022. HD video, color, sound; 6 min.
This film is also available to stream from home on MUBI.

Jenni Laiti (she/her; born 1981 in Anár, Sápmi [Inari, Finland]; lives and works in Jåhkåmåhkke, Sápmi [Jokkmokk, Sweden])
Teardrops of our Grandmother, 2022. Video, color, sound; 14:37 min.

Lada Suomenrinne (they/them; born 1995 in Murmansk, Russia; lives and works in Espoo, Finland, and Njuorggán, Sápmi) 
Mun&Don (You&Me), 2019. Digital video, black-and-white, sound; 1:48 min.

Sydney Frances Pascal (she/her) born 1993 in Nanaimo, Canada; lives and works Vancouver, Canada)
n̓ áskan nwálhen ninskúz7a (i am going to meet my daughter), 2023. Video, color, sound; 11 min.

Lada Suomenrinne (they/them; born 1995 in Murmansk, Russia; lives and works in Espoo, Finland, and Njuorggán, Sápmi)
Я неба (Me the sky), 2022. Digital video, black-and-white, sound; 17:09 min.

Siku Allooloo (she/her; born 1986 in Yellowknife, Canada; lives and works in Bowser, Canada)
Spirit Emulsion, 2022. Hand-processed Super 8mm film transferred to video and digital video, black-and-white and color, sound; 7:30 min.
This film is also available to stream from home on MUBI.

Jenni Laiti (she/her; born 1981 in Anár, Sápmi [Inari, Finland]; lives and works in Jåhkåmåhkke, Sápmi [Jokkmokk, Sweden])
Bivdit luosa máhccat // Asking the salmon to return, 2022. Video, color, sound; 6:01 min.

Niillasaš-Jovnna Máreha Juhani Sunná Máret – Sunna Nousuniemi (they/them; born 1993 in Anár, Sápmi; lives and works in Anár, Sápmi)
100 Vuogi Dadjat Mii x Orrunsádji ASMR Edition (100 Ways to Say We x A Place to Be ASMR Edition), 2021. Digital video, color, sound; 13:07 min.

Sydney Frances Pascal (she/her; born 1993 in Nanaimo, Canada; lives and works in Vancouver, Canada)
distance, 2022.  Video, color, sound; 6 min. 

Support for the land wants you is provided by the Consulate General of Finland in New York, the Royal Norwegian Consulate General in New York, and the Consulate General of Sweden in New York.