Senior Open Access Day Tues, Apr 2, 2024, 10 am–3 pm

Senior Open Access Day

Tues, Apr 2, 2024
10 am–3 pm

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Floor 1, Lobby

For older adults ages 60+. 

Join us for the return of Senior Open Access Day at the Whitney. Older adults are invited to visit the Museum without the challenges of large crowds. Attendees have the option of participating in a free guided gallery tour of the Whitney Biennial 2024: Even Better Than the Real Thing between 10 am–3 pm or enjoying the opportunity for quiet self-exploration in The Whitney’s Collection galleries.

A verbal description tour of the 2024 Biennial for older adults who are blind or have low-vision will be held at 1:15PM. An American Sign Language (ASL) tour of the 2024 Biennial will be held at 2:15PM. A Spanish-language tour of the 2024 Biennial will be held at 10:00am.

This year’s Senior Open Access Day will feature performances by the Greenwich House Music School’s Older Adult Choir at 11:30am and 12:30pm. Greenwich House is a Whitney Education Community Partner.

After Senior Open Access Day, join Seated Conversations: From Freight to Flowers at the Whitney. Please meet in the Museum lobby by 3 pm to be escorted to the meeting location on Floor 8. This conversation was original scheduled to take place outside on the High Line but has been moved indoors at the Whitney due to weather.