Opening Reception: Foreclosed: Between Crisis and Possibility

Fri, May 20, 2011
5–8 pm

The Kitchen, 512 W 19th Street

Please join us for the free opening reception of Foreclosed: Between Crisis and Possibility, curated by the Whitney Independent Study Program’s 2011 Helena Rubinstein Curatorial Fellows Jennifer Burris, Sofía Olascoaga, Sadia Shirazi, and Gaia Tedone.

The term foreclosure today is associated with the collapse of the subprime mortgage market. Caught in a cycle of crisis provoked by this collapse, the instinctive reaction is to search for solutions within the very institutional logic that produced the problem. Foreclosed: Between Crisis and Possibility examines these responses by beginning with a reexamination of the term itself and locating this investigation within a global context. The exhibition features works by Kamal Aljafari, Yto Barrada, Tania Bruguera, Claude Closky, Harun Farocki, Allan Sekula, and David Shrigley.

This event in organized in conjunction with Foreclosed: Between Crisis and Possibility. Please note that Foreclosed does not take place at the Museum. The Kitchen is the primary site of the exhibition. Please consult individual calendar listings for details. All events are free and open to the public.

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