Member Preview Days for Nick Mauss: Transmissions

Mar 14–15, 2018
12–6 pm

Floor 8

All members

Join us for a preview of Nick Mauss: Transmissions, which explores the history of American modernist ballet. This exhibition continues a hybrid mode of working Mauss has pursued for a decade in which the roles of curator, artist, choreographer, scholar, and performer converge. Focusing on New York’s role in a transatlantic exchange of ballet and surrealist aesthetics, the show presents a vision of American modernist ballet as an artistic catalyst, filter, and vibrant, shared vocabulary. Through the intertwined languages of ballet, painting, photography, and sculpture, Mauss also mines a pre-queer history within the realm of supposedly straight cultural production of the 1930s and 1940s.

Standard admission for each category applies: Discount and Individual members enjoy admission for the cardholder; Dual members enjoy admission for the two cardholders, etc. Not open to corporate and reciprocal members.

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