Headless at Regus / Goldin+Senneby Tues, June 4, 2013, 3:30 pm

Headless at Regus

Tues, June 4, 2013
3:30 pm

Goldin+Senneby, Looking for Headless, 2008. by fictional author K.D., chapters 1-4, Courtesy the artists.

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Regus Offices, 14 Wall Street, 20th floor

As part of the exhibition Maintenance Required, a video screening of the documentary Looking for Headless (2010) by the filmmakers Kate Cooper and Richard John Jones will take place at Regus Offices on Wall Street.

The film, commissioned by the artists Goldin+Senneby, attempts to track down the offshore company Headless Ltd. through interviews with academics, private investigators, fictionalized characters, and company representatives. As the search proceeds, a complex web of obfuscation unfolds in parallel to the layers of bureaucracy that shroud the opaque world of international finance and its instruments.

June 4, 3:30 pm
June 10, 3:30 pm

Space is limited. Reservations required; please register at maintenance.required.2013@gmail.com.

This event in organized in conjunction with Maintenance Required. Please note that the event does not take place at the Museum. Please consult individual calendar listings for details. All events are free and open to the public.

On the Hour

A 30-second online art project:
Maya Man, A Realistic Day In My Life Living In New York City

Learn more about this project

Learn more at whitney.org/artport

On the Hour projects can contain motion and sound. To respect your accessibility settings autoplay is disabled.