Mariana Valencia: Futurity

Jun 2, 9, 16, 2019
8 pm

Floor 1, Kenneth C. Griffin Hall

Mariana Valencia works in dance and choreography, which she intermingles with storytelling, object theater, and humor. Futurity, 2019, is a new work developed by Valencia for the Whitney Biennial, in which she is examining the concept of site—whether personal, public, historic and fictitious—drawing especially on the social history of the west side and “village” of downtown New York from the 1960s to mid-1970s.

In her performances, Valencia engages audiences through layers of personal memory, sharing her reflections with an intense intimacy as if she were speaking to her closest friends. Language is as central to her work as movement, as she creates juxtapositions between narrative content and choreographic vocabulary, enacted by her body. In her process, she draws from an ongoing writing practice that she refers to as “dance savings”: an accumulation of journal entries, letters to collaborators, questions, interviews, observations, and drawings.

This event has reached ticketing capacity. A limited number of standby tickets may be available at the admissions desk on a first-come, first-served basis. The standby line will open one hour prior to the performance’s start time.

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