ASL Tour:
Wade Guyton OS

Fri, Nov 16, 2012
6 pm

Join us for a free tour in American Sign Language of Wade Guyton OS, without voice interpretation. The tour begins at 7 pm, with a free pre-tour reception from 6–7 pm.

Over the past decade, New York--based artist Wade Guyton (b. 1972) has pioneered a groundbreaking body of work that explores our changing relationships to images and artworks through the use of common digital technologies, such as the desktop computer, scanner, and inkjet printer. Guyton's purposeful misuse of these tools to make paintings and drawings results in beautiful accidents that relate to daily lives now punctuated by misprinted photos and blurred images on our phone and computer screens. Comprising more than eighty works dating from 1999 to the present, Guyton's first midcareer survey features a dramatic, non-chronological design in which staggered rows of parallel walls confront the viewer like the layered pages of a book or stacked windows on a monitor.

Please note: we regret that complimentary tickets will no longer be available for ASL students. Museum staff/interpreters will not be able to sign student assignments.

Admission to tour and reception is free. Registration is required; RSVP to Please bypass the admissions line and pick up your tickets at the check-in location in the Museum lobby.

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