Whitney Independent Study Program: Critical Studies Symposium

Wed, June 22, 2022
11 am–3:30 pm

Online, via Zoom

The Critical Studies Symposium highlights the work of the six participants from this year's Whitney Independent Study Critical Studies Program through the presentation of short papers on their current research. Two discussants respond to these papers.

Introduction by Cassandra X. Guan, Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow at the Center for Art, Science, and Technology, MIT

Session I I 11 am–1 pm

Discussant: Nora M. Alter, Professor at The School of Theater, Film and Media Arts, Temple University

David Borgonjon: Wood Silk Cut Screen: Mediation and Realism in the Cold War Print

Canada Choate: The Last Stitch: Colette Performs the Feminine

Emma Roberts: There-And-Then: Watching Leigh Ledare’s “The Task”

Intermission | 1–1:30 pm

Session II | 1:30–3:30 pm

Discussant: Soyoung Yoon, Assistant Professor of Art History & Visual Studies, The New School

Erich Kessel: Black Memes and the Mediation of Capitalist Sociality

Darla Migan: On Dana Schutz's "Open Casket": The Hermeneutics of Abstraction, Mimetic Gestures, Memes, and the Networked Politics of (Artworld) Representation

Sumeja Tulić: The Man Under My Father’s Bed

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