Critical Studies Program Symposium: Critical Perspectives on Visual Culture

Wed, May 23, 2012
6–10:30 pm

Whitney Museum Second Floor (Kaufman Astoria Studios Film and Video Gallery)

The 2012 Critical Studies Symposium, Critical Perspectives on Visual Culture, is an evening-long program, in which each of the six participants from the Whitney Independent Study Critical Studies Program present a short paper on their current research. Two discussants respond to these papers.

Session I:  6–8 pm

Trista E. Mallory
“Thou canst not stir a flower without troubling of a star”: Emily Jacir’s Material for a Film

Paisid Aramphongphan
Improvising Against the Grain in 1960s Performance

Nadja Millner-Larsen
Up Against the Real

Discussant: Jennifer A. González, Associate Professor of Art and Visual Culture, University of California, Santa Cruz

Session II:  8:30–10:30 pm

Lindsay Caplan
Dialectics of the Open Work

Colby Chamberlain
George Maciunas and the Hospital

John A. Tyson
The Author as Producer as Pedagogue

Discussant: Benjamin Buchloh, Professor of Modern Art, Harvard University

Admission is free. Seating is available on a first-come, first-served basis.


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