Critical Studies Program Symposium: Critical Perspectives on Visual Culture Tues, May 17, 2011, 6–10:30 pm

Critical Studies Program Symposium: Critical Perspectives on Visual Culture

Tues, May 17, 2011
6–10:30 pm

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Whitney Museum Second Floor (Kaufman Astoria Studios Film and Video Gallery)

The 2011 Critical Studies Symposium, Critical Perspectives on Visual Culture, is an evening-long program, in which each of the six participants from the Whitney Independent Study Critical Studies Program present a short paper on their current research. Two discussants respond to these papers.

Session I:  6–8 pm

Joe Madura
Structured Facts/Structured Feelings: Minimal Art in the AIDS Crisis

Amalle Dublon
Queer Sonics and Sub-architectures

Henrietta Stanford
'Facing' Ulrike Meinhof: Resistance; Politics; and Psychoanalysis in Silvia Kolbowski's A Few Howls Again?

Discussant: Emily Apter, Professor of French and Comparative Literature, New York University

Session II:  8:30–10:30 pm

Maibritt Pedersen
Manipulating the World; Öyvind Fahlström’s games

Nate Harrison
The Yes Men: Parody in Aesthetics and Protest

W. Ian Bourland
Better Living through Chemistry: Odili Odita's Modernist Polymers

Discussant: Benjamin Buchloh, Professor of Modern Art, Harvard University

Admission is free. Seating is available on a first-come, first-served basis.

On the Hour

A 30-second online art project:
Maya Man, A Realistic Day In My Life Living In New York City

Learn more about this project

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On the Hour projects can contain motion and sound. To respect your accessibility settings autoplay is disabled.