
YI Leaders is a year-long paid program for 11th and 12th grade students who act as ambassadors to their community through organizing events for NYC teens and assisting with family programs. This year, YI Leaders planned Labyrinth Teen Event with collection artist Julia Rommel, and Biennial Queer Teen Night with 2022 Biennial Artist Andrew Roberts. In addition, YI Leaders met and interviewed collection artist Ebony G. Patterson, and engaged in teen exchanges with The LGBTQ+ Center, The Door, and Haus of Us.


Maham is from Pakistan. Maham uses art to escape life’s negativity and when feeling down. For her, art is so personal yet so collective. Everyone can be related to art differently but they can all come together to talk about art. In the future, Maham hopes people like her can also experience art and use it to escape their sorrows and to bring happiness to their life. 


Nusaybah is from Nigeria. For Nusaybah, art is a way to express her thoughts and feelings, and a way to communicate with others. In the future Nusaybah hopes to experiment with different art forms and to become an established artist.


Hailey is from Brooklyn, NY.  To Hailey, art is a means of expression that can take place in many forms. It brings out creativity where creativity isn't seen yet. In the future, Hailey hopes to be able to inspire others not necessarily through her art or words but in any way imaginable.


Jamai is from Brooklyn, NY. For Jamai, art is an outlet and a form of expression to. It’s a way to put her feelings into a physical form and get rid of worries in the moment. Her art is like a small of window into her soul. In the future, Jamai hopes to go to college for psychology but still pursue art as a minor, and keep art as a part of her life, preferably as a part of her future career.


Imaan is from Brooklyn, NY. For Imaan, art is a form of expression and a way to expand human connection and communication. It holds an important place in her life because it allows her to be free and be whoever she wants and say whatever she wants to. In the future, Imaan hopes to continue working with other museums, schools or education programs to bring education access to children who need it, which is very important to her.


Rhiannon is from Queens, NY. Rhiannon uses art as a way to relax when feeling stressed and to get out energy. In the future, Rhiannon hopes to work with little kids either in a museum or school building and travel the world.


Toby is from New York, NY. For Toby, art is a way to express yourself when words fail. In the future, Toby hopes to make a change in the world, big or small, in whatever way he can. 


Kaia is from New York, NY. For Kaia, art unambiguously confronts humanity with and engages with the social issues of our time. Art has been a way for her to make sense of the world, especially art history. This subject has fostered her intellectual curiosity and has allowed her to step outside her comfort zone, build  leadership and collaboration skills. In the future, Kaia hopes to redress the lack of art education and resources, because she has seen how art is such a critical component of education as a whole. She hopes to work with students and local school administrators to implement an accompanying art history curriculum in core classes, as well as make her mark on the contemporary art world in an meaningful and engaging way.    


Frank is from New York, NY. For Frank, art means a way to express your feelings and about having fun and not having to worry about pretty much anything. Art is a way to be creative with your thoughts and your feelings that can be drawn into a piece of paper or however you do art either it’s sculpture, sewing, photography, digital art, embroidery etc. In the future, Frank hopes he can feel accomplished. 


Ximena is from Mexico. For Ximena, art is where she finds happiness and peace, it’s where she can be a mess and not care what people say. In future, Ximena hopes to work in a museum and get an art history major but overall to be happy.


Django is from Brooklyn, NY. For Django, art is self expression, a way for her to separate herself from the reality of everyday life. She values the time she has to create something for the world through her art. Art will always be a way for her to escape from reality for a bit. In the future, Django hopes to pursue art in some way that satisfies her. She wants art to continue to be a large part of her life, while also possibly exploring new things.


Isabel is from New York, NY. For Isabel, art is the universal language. It's a ballot, a loudspeaker, a searchlight, and a magnifying glass, amplifying the parts of ourselves and of the world that's we'd rather not face. Art is a powerful harbinger of change, speaking viscerally in a way neither text nor speech alone can. Isabel is happiest when creating--sometimes she think the urge to create is woven into our DNA. Humans have been making things for as long as they've existed: creation is an act of invention, problem solving, defiance, and exploration. Art is radical yet innate, at once novel and age-old, and it is these contradictions that make it timeless and eternally intriguing. There are so many things Isabel is fascinated by, from protest art and interwar European history to environmental science and American literature. She is excited to continue to explore her interests and where they intersect. In the future, she hopes she'll surprise herself. Whatever she is, whoever she is, she hopes to make a positive impact and do something she loves.