Fall 2019
With Robert Bittenbender

Whitney Biennial 2019 artist Robert Bittenbender constructs dense reliefs using traditional art materials such as paint and graphite, but he also incorporates cheap found objects and detritus picked up on the streets. Although each individual element has been meticulously incorporated into the whole, the overall effect is one of improvisation. YI Artists worked with Bittenbender to analyze the use of found objects in art and create their own sculptures using mixed media. 


Hailey is from Brooklyn. Art is a very important part of Hailey’s life. It is a way for her to illustrate important things in her life. In the future, she hopes to make change, somewhere.

Isabel C.

Isabel C. was born and raised in New York City, and recently moved to the Bronx. To Isabel, art is a way of expressing herself in ways she cannot verbally and convey how she feels about different topics-whether those topics be climate change, politics or topics to distract herself. In the future, she hopes to work in the art field. However, right now, she is interested in photography and her first priority is to be happy.

Isabel T.

Isabel T. is from the Bronx. To Isabel, art is a way that she can convey emotions that cannot be conveyed verbally. Art is a form of self-expression. In the future, she hopes to do something she enjoys.


Jahnae is from the Bronx. Art to Jahnae, is her outlet. In the future, she hopes to maintain happiness.


Jakob is from New York City. To Jakob, art is a way to create a strong and powerful connection to the viewer. In the future, he hopes to establish a strong career and be a part of the art world.


Kaia is from Manhattan. Art to Kaia, is a social tool to express one’s ideas, thoughts and opinions. In the future, she hopes to do well in school and make a difference in the world.


Kayla is from Staten Island. To Kayla, Art is equal to life. It means bringing ideas and colors to reality. Art allows her to express her feelings through shapes and colors. In the Future, Kayla hopes to become a better painter, graphic designer, and capture the ideas in her head.


Lara is from New York. To Lara, art is a way for her to channel her emotions, fulfill her creativity and promote self-awareness. She has learned first-hand, that art can be a very therapeutic process. In the future, Lara hopes to pursue a creative path. She would also like to explore the creative merging of art mediums and digital art.


Mason is from New York City. Art to Mason, is his way of escaping the confines of his heart, mind and soul. Art, is also his way of expressing his emotions. In the future, he hopes to have his art exhibited and most importantly wishes to impact people with his art.


Ryma has lived in Queens her entire life. To Ryma, art is a form of expression that can create, change or inspire. In the future, she hopes to inspire people in a positive way.


Safiya is from Brooklyn. To Safiya, art is a form of expression that is accessible through several mediums. In the future, she hopes to be recognized for her work in graphic design as well as an art critic and or curator.


Sivan was born in the Bronx, but her family is originally from Greece. To Sivan, art is a way to express how she feels, and to let herself create something that is not strained. Art to her, means that there are many ways to view something. In the future, she hopes to become an art therapist and help people through using art as a tool to let others express themselves. Sivan wants to contribute to the world in some way, and leave an imprint.