
In 2018-19, YI Leaders hosted the Whitney’s first Art College Night and planned the annual Halloween Teen Night, drawing inspiration from the exhibition Programmed: Rules, Codes, and Choreographies in Art, 1965–2018. In November, the group participated in artist Taeyoon Choi’s CPU Dumpling Workshop, a cooking class to learn the fundamentals of computation. This workshop was also inspired by Programmed. In December, Leaders planned Go Figure! Warhol, a workshop inspired by the hundreds of portraits Andy Warhol created throughout his life.


Alec is from New York. For Alec, art is a way of communication. In the future, Alec considers becoming an interior designer who enjoys anything he does. 


Genesis lives in Glendale, Queens. She is a senior at Packer Collegiate Institute. To Genesis, art is embodied meaning and the physical manifestation of the artist’s creative mind. In the future, she wants to study art, art history, and possibly museum studies in hopes of becoming a curator. 


Ikbolhon is from Uzbekistan and lives in Queens. She is a junior at International High School at Union Square. Ikbolhon is still trying to figure out what art means to her and she doesn’t think it is an easy thing. In the future, she wants to learn more about art, be a doctor, and become more passionate. 


Irving is from Mexico. He is a junior at Sunset Park High School. Irving believes that art expresses beauty and creativity in a variety of ways, such as in sculpture, painting, and even sound. Irving can see himself becoming a doctor, artist, and musician. He desires an accomplished life full of peace, love, and passion.


Jack is from Manhattan. He is a senior at Collegiate School. Jack thinks that art is a means of expression and a way to challenge the limits of society. In the future, he wants to be regarded by peers as generous, kind, and caring. He wants to push the limits to be the best that he can be, and to do whatever makes people happy. 


Laura moved to America two years ago from Colombia. She is a junior at Monsignor McClancy Memorial High School. To her, art means the ability to perfectly express and everything that surrounds people. She hopes to graduate from college and help people around the world with her artistic skills. Laura wants to be a counselor and specifically help women. 


Maria lives in the Bronx. She is a senior at Gramercy Arts High School. For Maria, art is the way she expresses herself: the music she listens to, the way she dresses, the way she observes the world. In the future, she wants to tell stories through her art and hopes to inspire people. 


Marwa is from Chicago, but was raised in New York. She is homeschooled. Marwa was first introduced to art by her mother, and has been in love with it ever since. In the future, she hopes to feel comfortable making and showing her artwork, and when she does, she wants people to feel her emotion and passion. 


Maxine is from Brooklyn, New York. She is a senior at Frank Sinatra School of the Arts. To Maxine, art means productivity and purpose. It gives her peace during tough times. A life without art would be very different for Maxine. She would constantly search for a way to release her creative energy. She hopes to pursue art as a career and create artwork that is unique and makes people think. 


Rodaina is from Egypt. She came to the United States three years ago. She is a senior at Fort Hamilton High School. To Rodaina, art means expression. In the future, Rodaina hopes to own an engineering company. 


Rohan is from Brooklyn. He is a senior at Eagle Academy For Young Men II. To Rohan, art is an expression of ideas. He believes that art brings people together. In the future, Rohan wants to work on photography, professional lacrosse, or marketing. 


Sofia is from Brooklyn and has lived there all of her life, but her family is from Argentina. She is a senior at The Beacon School. Sofia defines art as a means to express herself however she would like—such as telling a story and inspiring others. In the future, she hopes to make political change and motivate others to do the same. 


Talia is a senior at Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music, Art, and Performing Arts. For Talia, art is a way to express her feelings about the world around her. Art is her method of reaching out to people and trying to make the world a better place. In the future, Talia hopes to work in animation, reach out to kids and teens, and storyboard her own show. 


Zach is from Brooklyn, New York. He is a junior at Xavier High School. Zach thinks that art exists in the world of the individual that creates it. It’s a way for people do anything they desire without limits. He hopes he can leave his comfort zone and experience new challenges.