With Willa Nasatir

On Wednesdays, YI Artists worked with artist Willa Nasatir to experiment with and deconstruct the elements of photography. During their Final Celebration, YI Artists displayed self-portraits and distributed a collective zine made from experimentations with a Xerox machine. Nasatir’s work was on view at the Whitney in her self-titled exhibition from July–October 2017.


Ali was born and raised in Manhattan. For her, art represents what goes on in society and it reflects our opinions and ideals. Without art, there would be no cultural progression. In the future, she hopes to find a medium in art that she likes and to get into college.


Amber is from New York. She thinks art is an interesting subject. Though she is very into math and science, she wants to bring herself to the new world of art. In the future, she wants to live a balanced life.


Audrey was born in in New York City. For Audrey, art is everything and it’s always changing. It is something that we live for. Her hope is to survive high school, open her mind, and become a free-thinking individual. Her favorite decade is the 90s because of the fashion and the music during that time.


Coco currently lives in Manhattan and has lineage in Japan, England, and China. For her, art is an important part of her life. She is interested in many mediums and likes to experiment, especially with photography and film. In the future, she hopes to make a successful film that breaks gender roles. Her film’s main character will be an Asian-American boy, because of the lack of diversity she saw on TV growing up.


Daphne lives in Brooklyn and her parents are from Turkey. For her, art means to tell a story through all mediums. In the future, she hopes to be an artist; her stories will be targeted toward youth, but entertaining to all.


Gwyneth was born is North Carolina, and then moved to Flushing, Queens. For her, art is a way to escape and relieve stress. She draws with her brother in afterschool activities. In the future, she wants her art to bring joy to people.


Henry is from Brooklyn, New York. For him, art is a visual release. In the future, he hopes to make art that is fulfilling.


Ikbolhon is from Uzbekistan and lives in Queens. She is still trying to figure out what art means to her and she doesn’t think it is an easy thing. In the future, she wants to learn more about art, be a doctor, and become more passionate.


Isabella is from Manhattan. Her family is from Italy, Spain, and Iceland. For Isabella, art means to express how you feel without being judged. Isabella thinks that you don’t have to stick to reality in art. She wants to become a writer in the future.


Jack is from Manhattan. He thinks that art is a means of expression and a way to challenge the limits of society. In the future, Jack wants to be regarded by peers as generous, kind, and caring. He wants to push the limits to be the best that he can be, and to do whatever makes people happy.


Mariam is from the Bronx. For them, art is a symbol of who they are and who they can be in the future. Whatever the future holds, they will be happy.


Matteo is from Manhattan. Art is something he does and he hopes to pursue it as his future career. Matteo hopes to have his own animation company.


Ona was born in Queens. Her family is from Spain, Barcelona, Hawaii, and China. Art is a hobby for her. She wishes to start her own fashion business.


Scarlett is from the Bronx. Art means a lot to her because most of her family makes art. Scarlett has made a lot of art since childhood. In the future, she wishes to become a singer.


Winnie is Chinese and was raised in Brooklyn, New York. Art is anything that makes her feel something and she is really into fashion. In the future, she wants to write about current issues for magazines.