Fall 2015
With Rachel Rose

On Thursdays, Youth Insights Artists worked with artist Rachel Rose to learn about artist research and the relationship between painting and video. Inspired by Rose’s exhibition, Everything and More, the students researched and created their own short experimental films.


Amanda is an artist and dancer. She is from Brooklyn, New York and her background is Venezuelan, Lebanese, and Syrian. To Amanda, art is a form of expression and attempts to convey a message in both personal and public spaces. She does not have any favorite artists, but an artist that she would look up to would be one that is an innovator that introduces new concepts and ways of forming art—doing the unexpected. Her interests include dance, science, fashion design, social justice, and of course, art! Those who take action in what they believe in inspire her—especially the youth who do so. In the future, Amanda hopes to be successful in doing what she loves and to be happy.


Amira lives in Brooklyn and is of Jamaican descent. She joined Youth Insights Artists because she is interested in working with artists, learning about art careers, and meeting teens like herself. To Amira, art is a way to express her emotions and release them into the world for other people to react and relate to. Her favorite artists are Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, and Jean-Michel Basquiat. She’s also interested in fashion, photography, and practically every single art form. In the future, she hopes to become a stylist and organize important artistic events.


Anisa is a junior at School of the Future. She has lived in New York City her entire life with two sisters and her parents who came to the United States from Montenegro. Anisa draws, paints, Photoshops, films, and more. She is also a feminist. Anisa joined Youth Insights because she wants make connections with artists and other people in the art world. For Anisa, art is a way of expressing herself. Currently, her favorite artist is Petra Collins. Anisa is inspired by strong, powerful, smart women. She hopes to do filmmaking in the future.


Carmela is a second-year art major at Frank Sinatra School of the Arts. She enjoys prose, houseplants, and John Hughes movies. She is an avid lover of arts of any kind, and considers them to be the purest form of self-expression. Through the Youth Insights program, she hopes to filter her prior knowledge and new found experiences at the Whitney to ignite interest in others. Carmela is an aspiring writer and hopes to incorporate her passion for the arts into her future career. She would also like to study abroad in Europe and live in England.


Originally from Jamaica, Cherrian is a junior at Manhattan Hunter Science High school. She loves reading, playing volleyball and basketball, and she enjoys food  very much. Cherrian joined Youth Insights because she wants to improve her art skills. She loves to talk about art—how it makes her feel and what it's trying to convey. Someday, she wants to study art in college. For Cherrian, art is something to explore, a way to express herself, and to have a voice. She admires the work of the artist Swoon. Cherrian is inspired to do anything in her life if she can connect and relate to it, and if she can learn something new.



Enrique is an aspiring artist who wants to learn what art is really about. He was born and raised in New York City and his background is Mexican. Enrique thought joining Youth Insights would be a great opportunity to grow as an artist and as an individual. To Enrique, art is a form of expression, a gateway to imagination and creativity. His favorite artists are Keith Haring, Jeff Koons, and Pablo Picasso. In the future, he hopes to become an entrepreneur or fashion designer. But most importantly, he wants to be able to create and give something back to improve people’s lifestyles.


Gianna is a junior in high school and an art major. She is from Brooklyn, New York and her background is Italian, English, and Czechoslovakian. Art means everything to Gianna. It helps her express herself in ways that she cannot do verbally. She finds herself constantly falling in love with different artists and styles, but a few of her absolute favorite artists are Alex Pardee, Takashi Murakami, Keith Haring, and Jackson Pollock. She is also interested in photography as well as music. In the future, Gianna hopes to become a well-known and respected artist and have her work shown in galleries and museums. She also wants to be a graphic designer for rock bands and make an impact on people’s lives through art.


Grace is a junior at St. John's Prep in Astoria, Queens. Art is more than just a hobby for her—it is a part of her development as a human being. She sees art as the purest form of creation. Grace plays basketball and softball at her high school. She also enjoys playing video games as well as learning how to code them. She is also interested in various psychological and philosophical theories. She doesn’t know what she wants her career to be, but she will strive to be a creative pioneer in some way.


Julianne was born and raised in Brooklyn. She has a deep commitment to her dance practice and the dance community. She joined Youth Insights with the desire to get to know herself and fellow young artists and artworks. Julianne uses art to be understood and to understand others, because she believes that art has a greater breathing space than other aspects of life. Her inspiration begins with space, time, and a supportive community. In the future, she hopes to maintain and obtain connections in the dance and visual arts communities. She plans to continue to create and collaborate.


Kyle was born and raised in New York City. His godfather is an inspiring artist and a role model for Kyle in the art world. Art is several things to Kyle: it’s what someone sees and feels; it is colors and texture; it is a multitude of things. His favorite artist is Jackson Pollock. Kyle’s inspirations are abstract art, light, color, and most importantly, the visual impact art can have. In the future, he wants to improve his skills and knowledge of art.



Michael was born in the Dominican Republic but came to New York before he was even one year old. Art, to him, is a way to express himself without having to use words. His favorite artist is Lana Del Rey. Michael loves watching Netflix and exploring the city. He also likes photography. Michael aspires to be successful and relatively wealthy, but he doesn’t know exactly what he wants to be yet.


Rose is a senior at Grace Church School. Growing up in New York City, she was exposed to art at an early age, which led her to pursue her interest in art. She believes that it’s impossible for art to lack purpose. In other words, “earth without art is just eh.” An artist’s individuality will always be revealed by the choices she or he makes. There will always be layers to a painting beyond the physical canvas and brushstrokes. 


Tania, usually called Zed, is from Astoria. She’s Peruvian. Having heard of the Whitney through advertisements and from her friends, she applied at the last minute. Art is very important to Tania because it’s a way to release her ordinary teenage “stress.” She really likes Andy Warhol. Her interests are food, video games, and TV shows. Fictional characters inspire her greatly.


Tiffany uses visual arts as an outlet to de-stress from her busy school days at Brooklyn Technical High School. She lives in a quiet Chinese neighborhood in Queens, which inspires most of her artwork. Tiffany believes art is a form of self-expression. She finds Keith Haring to be a very inspiring artist who has used his art to promote social awareness and change. Tiffany enjoys swimming, spending time with friends, and watching documentaries on YouTube. She hopes to spread awareness about immigration reforms—an issue she is passionate about.


Zharia was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York but her family originates from the Caribbean and both of her parents are Grenadian. She’s been creating art since she was two years old. For Zharia, art is a form of relaxation. When she wants to be by herself or when she sees something that inspires her, she paints and draws and turns it into an artwork. She’s interested in anything that generates creativity and has a message behind it. She finds inspiration in artworks that identify important social issues. Zharia hopes to enroll in college and have a successful career. Her dream is to create an artwork for a social movement.