Fall 2010
With Lize Mogel

Lize Mogel is an interdisciplinary artist who explores the connections between art and cultural geography. She creates what is known as counter-cartography—maps and mappings of various locations that communicate new conceptions of social and political issues. Mogel worked with the YI Writers to re-map and re-imagine the cityThey also created De-tour for the Non-tourist, an alternative tour guide to New York City that challenges established ideas of neighborhoods and streets.


My name is Ancel. I was born here in Brooklyn. My parents are both from Honduras. I am in my junior year at Health Professions High School. Art really doesn’t have a specific meaning for me because I draw only when I get the urge to. In the future, I hope to be a family therapist.



My name is Eulavernelle. I’m eighteen years old and I’m currently starting my senior year in high school. My sister Phio brought me to Youth Insights because she loves when I write and feels that I’ll get a better understanding of art through writing. When I go to college I want to study art, writing, history, and mechanical engineering. I’m currently writing a book and a thesis. My book is entitled Ancients: the First Stand and my thesis is about how mythology can be expressed in ancient writings, symbols, hieroglyphics, and history. In my opinion, art is an artist’s personal statement to the world. Art could be a mural, graffiti, a portrait, or gesture lines. Art describes a person’s mood and personal drawing. It brings a bigger picture to the world.


Hi! My name is Halima, which means patience. I am fifteen years old. My nationality is Nigerian, but ethnically I am a Hause Fulani and I speak Hausa. I lived in Nigeria for three and a half years and have traveled there since I was three months old. I have a large extended family, some of whom I haven’t even met yet! I enjoy learning about different cultures through art. What I consider to be the main captivation in art is that it is so diverse. Every time you examine a piece of work you notice something different.


Hi, my name is Hannah and I am currently a student at The Ethical Culture Fieldston School. Both my mom and grandmother are artists and so they have inspired and encouraged my creativity throughout my childhood. Growing up in New York City, I have been fortunate enough to be able to go to many museums, and as much as I used to dread it, the art that I was exposed to at a young age truly impacted the way I explore, critique, and make art. My art is often inspired by people and natural occurrences. Specifically, I recreate portraits of people and landscapes with obscure mediums and techniques. I find myself being inspired by my peers and the diversity of New York City students. Writing has always been a passion of mine and I am excited to start incorporating text into my artwork as well as learning to review pieces of art and exhibitions. My other interests include hiking, playing tennis, and watching movies. I believe that the reason that art is so powerful is because it has the capability to free us all from reality and see the beauty in the simplest or most complex things. Someday I hope to be an artist, civil rights lawyer, or both.


I’m Miranda and I’m a sixteen-year-old from the Bronx. I am currently a senior at the Bronx High School of Science. I love learning about all aspects of art. I think that YI has been a really great opportunity to share different ideas about art with new people. I love living in the twenty-first century because of all the new attempts to push the boundaries of what is considered art, as well as the rapid creation of new technology, another interest of mine. It makes me really happy when the two are combined. I enjoy drinking iced coffee at any hour of the day and I love to travel. I can almost speak French and I'm kind of a Francophile.


My name is Orly. I am in eleventh grade and attend the Bronx High School of Science. I am deeply interested in the arts. I have participated in various classes at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, High 5, the Museum of Art and Design, and the Fashion Institute of Technology. In these programs I have learned to both create my own art and critique the art of others. Currently I'm a teen representative at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and I critique artwork with the High 5 program. I try to work on my own photography and film. In the future, I would love to exhibit my work in a museum or work in a museum, perhaps as a curator.


Who am I? I am a leader. I am a writer. I am the student teachers love to have. I am a good daughter, sister, and friend. I am versatile. I am different. I am courageous. I am open-minded. I am compassionate. I am the lover not the fighter, but I will fight for what I love if I have to. I am multicultural. I was born and raised in New York. Since my family is made up of so many cultures and ethnicities, I think I can adapt to most situations and environments. I’m not afraid to take risks. I am Porscher, and I am proud of who I am and who I’m going to be! Art is not a big part of my life; it is my life.


I am Shalva, but you can call me Shako. I am originally from Tbilisi, Georgia. I love singing and playing guitar. I am also learning how to play the piano. Making my own music is one of my biggest passions. I love designing shoes and graphic design. It’s great! I love being thoughtful with my art. In this program, I really want to be more creative and learn how to think artistically. I want to create something myself, make it my own, and have other people admire it. That feeling of freedom is very important to me. Anything can inspire me; random things on the streets and other people’s work give me ideas. In the future, I would like to achieve my goal of becoming a fashion designer or a graphic designer and be successful at it.


My name is Vanesa and I’m sixteen years old. I’m in my junior year at Bronx High School for the Visual Arts. I come from the Bronx and have basically lived my whole life there in Parkchester. I never paid much attention to art. Then, after spending two years in an art high school and finding out that I’m actually really good at drawing, I have come to develop more of an interest in art. I’m also learning new ways of interpreting and expressing art. I never thought I would come this far in involving myself and using art in my everyday life, either for school projects, homework, or simply for expressing how I feel. So I would like to thank my art teacher for mentioning this program and the Whitney for giving me this great opportunity to join them again.


I am Victor. I was born and raised in the Dominican Republic. I’ve been living in the United States for about four years, and have been attending the Flushing International High School. I am most interested in media arts, especially video editing, photography, and graphic design. I also have an interest in writing. For me, writing is a better way to express my feelings and thoughts. Art is being open-minded and creative. It is using your imagination to make whatever is in your mind come true. I also think that being an artist is more than having a talent—it is having a passion for what you do.


My name is Vita. I am a senior in high school and I'm from lower Manhattan. My mother is Irish; my dad was born in California and grew up in Italy. My interests lie in art and how it connects with and is a wider part of culture. Art enables me to express my emotions. When I create something I feel relaxed and peaceful, and when I write about someone else’s art, I feel excited. Just as I admire a variety of artists, I am inspired by a variety of different museums, people, books, and films. I hope to work in a museum when I am older. That way, I will be surrounded by what I love and people who share my interests.


I am the one they call Yinersi, the one who was born and raised in Brooklyn and has Dominican roots that stretch out through the sea reaching my parents' motherland. Growing up with no television, I put my attention into the arts, which was not only entertaining, but also a learning experience. I was, and still am, really interested in drawing, painting, and writing. Art has helped me search and find my true identity, purpose, and passion. My main inspirations are my childhood memories and my experiences. Although I didn’t have cable TV, my childhood was far from boring. I remember many rebellious adventures and influential incidents in my life that not only impacted my upbringing, but also my art. This opportunity has also helped me widen my perception of the arts.


My name is Zoe. I grew up in New Jersey and have recently moved to New York City. I was brought up in a home that nurtured my love for the arts. I go to the Calhoun School, where I am also encouraged to pursue my passion for the arts. I was exposed to museums at a very young age. My parents and teachers have always pushed me to question my surroundings and what art means to me. I’m an optimistic person. I believe life should be celebrated, which translates to my art and writing. Art and writing are my ways of expressing my points of view. I am very excited to work with artists, as well as other inquisitive students who are interested in art and writing.