Fall 2016
With Leidy Churchman

On Thursdays, YI Artists explored mindfulness and dharma art with Whitney artist, Leidy Churchman. Churchman’s paintings combine different styles and experiences in order to explore the complexity of an image and its visibility. For their final project, each participant created their own “protector” inspired by Buddhist deities and works from Human Interest: Portraits from the Whitney’s Collection


Aaron is a sixteen year old self-titled ‘‘creative.’’ He is from the Caribbean island of St. Kitts. He does not have a background in visual art unless you count doodling. Art to Aaron, is very loose, as he just applies it to any form of communication (verbal or not). His interests vary, but right now he is intrigued by fashion design and cosmetology. In the future, Aaron hopes to have a better understanding of art.

  • Mixed media of flowers and a landscape.
  • Two paintings of a person in a unique hat.


Aiden is a very expressive person. No wonder people compare him to an animated character! Aiden is from the Bronx and has been drawing since he’s been crawling. Self-improvement is his goal, but he also wants to form awesome bonds with people. Art is his life! It surrounds his very being and what he chooses to do. All the artist he’s comes across make him strive to do better. He hopes to inspire others to do what they want to do and help people feel awesome. 


Angelica is a student from Chelsea Career and Technical High School. Her family is from Puerto Rico and South America and she lives in Flushing, Queens. Angelica hopes to be a gallery owner in the future. She is interested in many different forms of art and appreciative of anything that involves artistic expression. Her grandmother is her biggest inspiration. She introduced Angelica to art at a very young age.


Born and raised in New York, Ashanti lives in Manhattan. Art plays a huge role in her life. She wants to tackle seeing, imagination, concepts, and themes. She is interested in learning more about artists and different styles. In the future, Ashanti hopes to receive a master’s degree and even possibly a PhD in whatever subject she chooses to pursue. 

  • Abstract painting on cloth.
  • Bright pastel painting on a canvas.
  • A torso painted in a space scene in dark colors.


Azzare, who prefers to be called Rae, is from the Bronx. Her family is Canadian and Jamaican. She loves to paint and sold a few pieces at her school art show. To Azzare, art is a way to express herself. Her interests include painting, dancing, Netflix, and volleyball. She is inspired by her friends, family, and their feelings as well as her own. Azzare hopes to become a paramedic but she wouldn’t mind selling her art pieces. 


Diamond is a strong, independent African American woman. To Diamond, art is a way to do whatever you feel like doing and to create whatever is in your imagination without any judgement from others. Her interests include drawing, writing, and making comic books. She also likes making new friends as well as terrible jokes. One day, Diamond hopes to go to art school and become a graphic novelist, video game designer, author, illustrator, and editor.


Isabella (Izzy) is a freshman at the Clinton School for Writers and Artists. Born and raised in New York City, her mother is Mexican-American and her father is from upstate New York. To Izzy, art is a way that people can express how they feel. Her interests include music, poetry, traveling, and exploring. Izzy is not exactly sure what she wants to do in the future, but she does want to be successful in her career. 


Jennifer is from Jackson Heights. Her mother is from Guatemala and her father is from Mexico. To Jennifer, art is something that she is very passionate about. Art makes her happy and allows her to be herself. Inspired by music, Jennifer loves to play guitar and to draw. She plays in a band. In the future, Jennifer hopes to be successful and happy. She wishes to look back and feel proud of the things she has done. 


Karla is from the Dominican Republic and currently lives in Manhattan. To Karla, art is simply about self-expression and points of view. Her interests include journalism and writing. Her little brother inspires her to be more creative. In the future, Karla hopes to finish high school and then attend college. 


Marwa was born in Chicago and raised in New York. She has a background in fencing and art. To Marwa, art means self-expression. Since she was young Marwa has been interested in the medical field. In the future, Marwa hopes to achieve all her dreams along with the promises that she has made to herself. She wants to feel mentally complete with no regrets in life and hopes to achieve true happiness. 


Mohamed is a poet from Chicago. He is a paper folder. To Mohamed, art is abstract. His interests include yoga and poetry. 


Sofia grew up in Brooklyn, New York. Her family is from Argentina, so she feels a large connection to its culture. To Sofia, art is a way of expressing one’s inner feelings to the rest of the world. Sofia is very interested in different forms of art. 


Victor was born in Brooklyn and his parents are from Russia and Ukraine. Reading, thinking, and swimming are some of Victor’s inspirations. Teachers and his family also inspire him to be the best person he can be. In the future, Victor hopes to be happy. Unconditional love is a priority he hopes he can one day apply to his life.


Violette is from New Orleans, Louisiana and is of African American descent. She is also a twin! She currently lives in Brooklyn. Violette enjoys listening to jazz, Amy Winehouse, and PARTYNEXTDOOR. To Violette, art means freedom of self-expression and the ability to share one’s experience with others. Her interests include science, physics, space, painting, zine making, and listening to music. Small occurrences in everyday life inspire her. In the future, Violette would like to become an art conservator or an astrophysicist. 


Yujie is an artist and student. She lives in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. To Yujie, art is the ultimate form of expression. It has no rules or restriction, only freedom. Yujie loves to paint, observe nature, watch movies with friends, explore the city, and occasionally play video games. She is also a lover of dogs, paper, nature, and biology. She hopes to one day become a biomedical engineer.