Resumes and Interviews with Lisa Dowd
Jul 12, 2016

On July 12, YI Arts Careers met with the Whitney’s Human Resources Manager, Lisa Dowd. During our meeting, we learned about Dowd’s extensive knowledge of the employment process and the responsibilities her job entails. Some of those include: the evaluation of applicant resumes, interviewing potential employees, and hiring new members of the staff. Dowd gave us advice on everything from resume writing to interviewing with a potential employer.

During this session, I learned a lot about the importance of first impressions. We live in a time where most things happen on the internet, so it was refreshing to hear that in-person interviews are still seen as an important way to judge character—even if they are intimidating. Dowd’s viewpoint prompted us all to consider how our past experiences may be highlighted as accomplishments in resumes and during interviews. At the end of the session, I was left thinking about how to fit my current and past experiences into a compelling resume. 

By Angela, YI Participant