Youth Convening at the Queens Museum
Apr 18, 2016

students standing asking questions in gallery
students standing asking questions in gallery

Teens from various cultural institutions at the Queens Museum. Photograph by Sasha Wortzel

On April 16, I had the chance to participate in the Queens Museum’s Youth Convening. The day was full of activities—from a museum tour to a game of frisbee. Ambassadors from the Museum of Modern Art and El Puente Williamsburg Leadership Center also came to share their experiences in running effective teen programs.

The convening kicked off with presentations by teens from the different organizations who reflected on their experiences and highlighted events and lessons they learned. Each presentation emphasized the impact of the program on the teens who participated. One teen ambassador said she felt more outgoing after the program and another said she became more interested in politics and involved in her community.

During table talks, Queens Museum ambassadors facilitated conversations for different groups based on various questions about youth programs. I was surprised that all of the discussions ended up being about social justice and discrimination.

I left feeling inspired and empowered. The event convinced me that there is a correlation between these programs and teen activism. Like many of the other participants, I felt that participating in a teen program at a museum gave me the space and resources to speak freely and confidently about my views and opinions.

By Juliana, YI Leader

On the Hour

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Maya Man, A Realistic Day In My Life Living In New York City

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