YI Arts Careers visit The Door
Jul 7, 2016

On July 7, Youth Insights Arts Careers visited The Door, an organization that specializes in providing young people of diverse backgrounds and orientations with a wide array of services such as birth control, counseling, and legal guidance as well as programs about creative arts, jobs, and internships.

Ashley Douet, Senior Peer Educator and Joel Colon, Community Engagement Specialist, spoke to us in detail about careers in art programming that The Door offers all year round. We were given a tour of the facility, including the offices and the cafeteria. Later, we were shown other recreational spaces, including the dance and recording studios and the art room. I learned about the interesting range of programs offered to New York City teens, including fashion design, the opportunity to record original songs, and jazz dance classes. We also learned about services that assist recent immigrants with legal issues and provide them with clothing.

As a newcomer to The Door, I was astounded by the extent and diversity of free services they offer. Overall, The Door is an excellent community-driven venue that treats everyone impartially and serves as a valuable provider of opportunities for New York City youth.

By Carmela, YI participant