YI Summer Intensive 2013 Begins!
Jul 1, 2013

On July 1, the Youth Insights Summer Intensive 2013 program began with orientation at the Museum. Previous YI Artists, Writers, and Leaders gathered to greet new members of the YI family, get to know one another, and prepare for the summer. We started the session in the Whitney Studio with a variety of activities: introducing one another, making collages, and engaging in discussions. We also created a comprehensive list of all the museum- and arts-related professions we could think of, and marked the careers that were of particular interest to us. Seeing the possibilities and learning about the array of interests within my group made me eager to find out what the rest of the summer has in store. 

  • teens sitting on bench
  • children sit and work on art
  • collage art hanging on wall
  • student drawing a diagram
  • teacher talking to teens in a gallery
  • teen demonstrating with his hands

We then went to view the exhibition American Legends: From calder to O’Keeffe before settling down to look more closely at works by Joseph Stella. After talking about the recurring themes, emotions, and the artist’s imaginative use of lighting and color, we divided into smaller working groups. One group was asked to reorganize the order of the paintings on view, the second group’s assignment was to edit the number of works to three, and the third group was asked to propose two other paintings to add to the current exhibition. Everyone assumed the role of a museum curator and was able to experience some of the issues and responsibilities that curators must consider on a regular basis.

 Towards the end of the session, we returned to the Whitney Studio to discuss our schedule for the coming weeks. We will be touring the High Line, watching films at MoMA Film Archives, and visiting the Keith Haring Foundation. I am excited to meet professionals from all areas of the art world, visit museums and foundations, and take advantage of all the things that this intensive program and New York City have to offer!

By Niki, Youth Insights Summer participant