Youth Insights Summer Intensive 2012 Begins at the Whitney Studio
Jul 9, 2012

Youth Insights: Summer Intensive 2012 began this week with an introductory day at the Whitney before the rest of the summer’s rush of studio visits and other trips. On Monday, teens headed past colorful preparations for the Yayoi Kusama exhibition opening in the Museum lobby and into the calmer environment of the Whitney  Studio, where they were greeted by snacks, new water bottles, and a stack of green folders containing the plans for the rest of YI Summer.  After the teens played some icebreaker games, we went over the summer curriculum and finished up in the studio by watching a short film of artist Alex Hubbard’s work, in preparation for our visit to his studio the following day.

Finishing up our snacks, we moved on to more art as everyone headed to the exhibition Sharon Hayes: There’s So Much I Want to Say to You on the third floor. The show’s unique structural environment gave the teens a place to spread out in a circle and talk about the work on view. Because YI participants enjoy special behind-the-scenes privileges, the group was able to see the exhibition even though the Museum was closed. We discussed works like Yard (Sign) (2009/2012) and I Saved Her a Bullet (2012), and how both those pieces made us think about the relationship between speech (whether artistic or political) and humor as a form of power.

Moving back to the studio, we said our goodbyes (just until tomorrow!) and handed out the summer’s all-important MetroCards in anticipation of the following day: our first studio visit and the beginning of a summer of cultural exploration .

By Correna, Youth Programs Intern