YI Summer: Digital Media, Graphic Design, and Marketing
Jul 15, 2014

On July 15, Youth Insights teens met with staff from the Whitney’s Digital Media, Graphic Design, and Marketing departments. First we met Elyse Mallouk, Digital Content Manager who creates, formats, and presents digital content on whitney.org. She helps to show website visitors what is going on at the Museum, from exhibitions to compelling stories of artists and Museum employees. She also posts images of artworks on view and works with the Curatorial and Education department to give site visitors further insight into the art.

Next we met with Hilary Greenbaum, Director of Graphic Design, and her staff. Greenbaum had prepared a table of products that Graphic Design has designed and produced, from Whitney-branded postcards to bags, and even a beach towel! She explained how the Whitney’s logo, the “responsive W” works—rather than design one static logo that would always look the same, Graphic Design follows certain guidelines to design a uniquely sized and shaped logo for each new product, so that the W “responds” to its surroundings.                    

Finally we met with Sarah Meller, the Whitney’s Marketing Associate. Meller gave us a presentation about what the Marketing department does, from buying advertising space on the subway to designing the posters and ad campaigns for new exhibitions, and promoting the Whitney on social media platforms. After the presentation, we divided into groups and created our own marketing campaigns for the Summer Intensive. We came up with taglines, drew posters, and planned a social media presence. Then we presented to the group and to Meller, who gave us feedback. It was a great opportunity to “try out” one of the jobs we have been learning about this summer. Thank you to Sarah Meller and to everyone else who met with us! 

By Kelvin, YI Summer Participant, and Correna Cohen, Youth Programs Fellow