YI Meets Adam Weinberg
Jul 12, 2016

On July 12, Adam Weinberg, Alice Pratt Brown Director of the Whitney, met with YI Arts Careers. We began by playing an icebreaker game, which Mr. Weinberg enjoyed very much. After the game, he described his role at the Museum, highlighting the most significant parts of his position. Although many people believe he is the boss, Mr. Weinberg emphasized that one of the most important aspects of his job is making Whitney employees happy. It was immediately clear to me that Mr. Weinberg loves his job and loves the people he gets to work with every day. At the end of our conversation, Mr. Weinberg advised us to try to transform our hobbies into a career, no matter how hard it is, because it will make us want to wake up and go to work every morning. He inspired everyone in the room that day.

By Maria, YI Participant