Youth Insights Fall Celebration
Dec 20, 2016

On December 15, the Youth Insights celebrated the end of the fall semester for YI Artists and Leaders.

The Whitney’s Director, Adam Weinberg kicked off the evening with a speech highlighting teen programs. Later the YI artists shared their projects, which included works on canvas and paper, as well as video. Their artworks were full of life!

Slideshow of YI artists works:

  • Artwork by YI Artist Aaron

    Illustrations by YI Artist Aaron. Photograph by Filip Wolak

  • Wire sculpture by YI Artist Mohammed

    Wire sculpture by YI Artist Mohammed. Photograph by Filip Wolak

  • Sculpture by YI Artist Adien

    Sculpture by YI Artist Adien. Photograph by Filip Wolak

  • 3-D Collage by YI Artist Ashanti

    3-D Collage by YI Artist Ashanti. Photograph by Filip Wolak

I had the honor of speaking to my wonderful peers about my love of art. I addressed how incredibly grateful I am to have experienced all the amazing opportunities offered by the Museum to the YI Leaders, especially that of meeting and being part of such an amazing group of teens.

The evening ended with holiday gifts from the Whitney for the YI Leaders and Artists.

By Maria, YI Leader