YI Arts Careers meets Billie Rae Vinson
Jul 15, 2017

On July 12, Billie Rae Vinson, Senior Coordinator of Family Programs, met with YI Art Careers. Vinson explained that one of her major goals is to create programs that grab the children and the parent/guardians’ attention. She said she uses the Disney model, which means creating an activity that is appropriate for children but also relatable to adults, so both parties enjoy themselves.

Vinson says she enjoys working with children because they are unabashedly creative. With that being said, I strongly believe that the programs she implements work well.

Slideshow of Gallery Activity:

  • teens sitting on the floor with art supplies
  • teens sitting on the floor with art supplies
  • two teens sitting on the floor, one holding a small painting

All photographs by Valerie Chang

By Niyah, YI Careers Participant