You Made it. Now Wear It!
Nov 13, 2010

A few weeks ago, a group of YI Leaders and friends came out to the Whitney to create their very own "wearable sculptures," inspired by artist Paul Thek. Before the art-making workshop, we had a chance to go into the galleries to see the exhibition and and we were intrigued by his fascinating sculptures.

Using Thek's 1968 exhibition, A Procession in Honor of Aesthetic Progress: Objects to Theoretically Wear, Carry, Pull, or Wave, as a starting point, we were able to fashion our own wearable sculptures, or variations on that idea. Our designs included: hats, masks, shirts, shawls, and other clothing items that could be turned into some sort of object with a function. Although the materials were not exactly what Paul Thek used, (for example, googly eyes in place of slabs of meat), the ideas were similar and we all tried to incorporate different objects into our clothing.

This event was really great because not only did we get to mess around with different materials and make awesome masks, head pieces, and shirts, but we also got to show off everyone's creations on our very own catwalk!

By Kate