Up in Harlem, Part 2: Live at the Apollo
Jul 27, 2010

On 125th Street, between Frederick Douglass and Clayton Powell Jr. Boulevards, stands the famous Apollo Theater. Its "Amateur Night" is known to have ignited the careers of the Jackson 5, Ella Fitzgerald, and Stevie Wonder. On July 20, the Apollo stage premiered the talents of poetess Porscher and comedienne Natasha, who were a few of the YI members who took the stage just like all of the historical musicians before them. This circus of youth performances and amazed reactions was led by the ringleader, our tour guide and long-time Apollo regular, Billy Mitchell. We listened to him reenact his life story, which was very much entwined with the history of the Apollo itself. We laughed at his convivial conversation with "Rocky" Obama. And we were enraptured by the vivid stories that came to life with the intimate tour of the Apollo's backstage and dressing rooms.

Our experience reliving the past was not the only gem we uncovered at the Apollo. We were focused on the future with a networking session led by the ever-motivated Michelle Cox, Education Manager at the Apollo. She urged us to find the "George Lucas to our Steven Spielberg" among the amassed talent of performing artists who made up the Apollo's teen program, an intensive internship where teens who possess skills in voice and drama learn the basics of their desired career. Overall, it would be an understatement to say that YI's trek to the Apollo Theater was a learning experience. From absorbing the performance careers of artists past to getting a glimpse of future stars, YI is on their way to uncovering the secrets of careers in the performing arts. 

By Joanna