Youth Insights Leaders Go To Teens Take The Met!
Oct 16, 2015

On Friday, October 16, the Metropolitan Museum of Art hosted one of their biggest events for the fall. Teens from all five boroughs attended Teens Take the Met! During the event, the museum held fun and creative art-making activities and also invited museums and organizations to advertise their own programs for teens. Our task for the night was to expose as many people to the Whitney Museum as possible, and to tell people about our upcoming Halloween Teen Event and our Open Studio for Teens.

I found that many of the teens who approached our tables knew of the Whitney and the excitement for our Halloween Event was so prevalent that nearly all of our flyers ran out! If teens had not heard of the Whitney, we took the opportunity to share all the wonderful things about the Museum and its teen programs.

 During the latter part of the evening, I decided to explore some of the other institutions that were at the event. It was exciting to see so many familiar faces as I had worked with some of these institutions in the past. There were some programs that I didn't know existed such as the Roundabout Theater Company, which allows high school students to purchase $10 tickets to see theater productions of shows, and Flushing Town Hall, which showcases and holds art events and talks for the general public. Now that I know about these organizations, I will share with teens all over the city.

This was my first time ever going to Teens Take the Met! I knew about the event, but I would never go because I did not have many friends who were interested in the arts and would attend a teen event of such magnitude. More museums should be open to having such an event that can expose teens to different programs in the arts.

By Alexus, YI Leader