Teen Opening
May 30, 2015

On Saturday, May 30, over 400 teens gathered at the Whitney for an evening of music, discussion, and art-making. 

While YI Leaders greeted teens on the third floor, the sounds of music collective Camp & Street drew them to the Susan and John Hess Family Theater—Rahel’s beautiful voice and Don-Christian’s amazing energy were impossible to ignore! Teens were also invited to take silly “selfies” in a Whitney-themed photo booth.

In the galleries, teens participated in In Equality, a “social sculpture” created by YI Leaders in collaboration with artist Dread Scott. Teens were paired up with strangers and instructed to hold each other’s hand while exploring the Museum. It was interesting to see teens move away from the friends they came with and meet new people.

Teens gathered in the Hearst Artspace where artists Dread Scott and Josh Kline gave riveting talks about their work on view in the inaugural exhibition America is Hard to See. Dread Scott’s work, which deals with issues of class and race, resonated especially well with the teens and they were fascinated to learn about Kline’s innovative process of 3D printing. 

In the fifth-floor outdoor gallery, teens lounged in sculptural chairs designed by Mary Heilmann while munching on snacks, making buttons, and sketching. It was the perfect spot to relax and enjoy the beautiful views.

To conclude a perfect evening, YI Leaders announced raffle winners in the theater. Some lucky attendees walked away with not only a great time, but some Whitney gear too!

By Sammie,YI Leader